Our office passionately develops and delivers innovative contributions to our dynamic present-day living environments.
Successful projects benefit users, clients, society and the planet, likewise and simultaneously. We contribute to them by sharing our knowledge, explaining our views and questioning seemingly well-established viewpoints. The challenges our societies face today require and deserve a straight forward team spirit and inspired collaborations. This is how we work: by bringing together the broad knowledge and open minds of dedicated professionals, we are able to offer resilient solutions.
What architectural, urban and mobility designs have in common are their connection to three main themes:
comfort, society and logic.
These themes are at the core of our profession and shape the way we approach every assignment. By putting the user experience first, committing ourselves to sincere corporate social responsibility and to being creative problem solvers, our projects meet our highest ambitions - and those of our clients.
We acknowledge that in an ever-changing society even solutions that seem optimal today may well have only temporary value. It is our responsibility as designers to create meaningful and resilient buildings and environments that will continue to improve the public realm and every-day life.
Marten Wassmann (1969) founded Gateways in early 2020. Marten studied at the Faculties of Architecture at both Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, and Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany, from which he graduated.
In 1997 he joined Benthem Crouwel Architects, where he was a partner and owner from 2005 to 2020.
A Registered Architect at the Dutch Architects Register (SBA) and at the Architektenkammer Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany,
he is also an ambassador at the Royal Institute of Dutch Architects (bna) and a member in the Urban Land Institute.
As lead architect and project partner, Marten has gained extensive experience in complex and large-scale design challenges, where all aspects of urban design, transit oriented development and mobility often have to be considered simultaneously. How to seamlessly integrate sustainable mobility solutions into the existing urban fabric has been one of the common themes in his career. Connecting with other professionals and the general public, sharing knowledge and insight, motivates Marten in his work as designer and in responsibly leading a company.
He has given numerous lectures and has participated in conferences in the Netherlands and abroad. On trade missions abroad, Marten has also accompanied Royalty and ministers of government.
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