26 May 2020
Munich, Germany

Urban Regeneration through Innovative Mobility Projects

A public lecture in the context of the TUM/MVG Kolloquium series on 'Public Transport in Digital Urban Transformation'

Munich is growing. Rising population figures in Munich and the city-region, continuously growing ridership in public transport and changing mobility patterns make further forward-looking development of transport infrastructure necessary. Urban development and the projects of the city must however be oriented even stronger towards existing and new public infrastructure, especially in the area of ​​mobility, to remain sustainable and affordable in every respect. The tight integration of urban development, but also individual large projects with public transport is thus a matter for private developers, architects, traffic planners and policy-makers as well as the planning administration. At the same time, cities are amidst a digital transformation that increasingly covers all aspects of urban life.

The public lecture series "Public Transport in Digital Urban Transformation" covers these topics with three expert presentations each semester.

The lecture series is curated by MVG, SWM andTUM, a collaboration of Munich Transport Corporation, MVG, Munich's Municipal Utilities Company, SWM, and the Technical University of Munich, TUM (Stadtwerke München, Münchener Verkehrsgesellschaft, Technische Universität München).

In 2020, MVG, SWM and Gateways (e.a.) are collaborating in the EIT Urban Mobility Project S.M.U.D. (Shared Micro depots for Urban pickup and Delivery). 

In his lecture, Marten Wassmann, founder of the spatial design agency Gateways, refers to recent relevant transit-related urban renewal projects in the Netherlands.


Originally announced as

"TUM/MVG Kolloquium, 26. 05. 2020, 18:30 Uhr, Zoom
Marten Wassmann, Gateways
Mobilität ist kein Selbstzweck – Chancen für die Revitalisierung urbaner Räume
Aktuelle Beispiele aus den Niederlanden"

Flyer image
The Circus, a Mobility Hub project for Surinameplein Square, Amsterdam,
Design lead and responsible partner M. Wassmann, project Benthem Crouwel Architects


EIT Urban Mobility S.M.U.D. project, 2020 (Shared Micro depots for Urban pickup and Delivery)

Lecture series “Public Transport inDigital Urban Transformation”

MVG, Munich Transport Corporation

SWM, Munich's Municipal Utilities Company

Technical University of Munich

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